Navigating the complex world of employment can be challenging. Employees often find themselves unsure of their rights and vulnerable to workplace mistreatment. Understanding your legal [...]
When dealing with an unscrupulous employer, Tennesseans often wonder where to seek help. Many may not realize that Tennessee employment law is robust and effective. Discovering employer [...]
After a job loss, you may be feel particularly overwhelmed, angry, and unsure of what to do next. Evaluating whether or not you have a wrongful termination case can be challenging, but it’s [...]
A Lawyer Protects Your Rights At times life gets messy and complicated for all of us. Good people sometimes make bad choices, tragically, even the best personal relationships fall apart, and one [...]
Tennessee is what is commonly called an “at will” state in regards to work. This means both the employee and the employer have the right to end employment with or without a reason. [...]
Are you an employee in the state of Tennessee? Do you know the rights that you are afforded as an employee in Tennessee? Do you get breaks at work? You Deserve a Break…Literally According [...]
Employee and employer relations can become strained, when certain issues arise, and those situations can ultimately lead to a legal dispute. In those cases, you may be tempted to try to handle [...]
When faced with an unscrupulous employer, many Tennesseans need clarification about where to seek help. This is understandable because many don’t know or understand that Tennessee’s [...]
One of the most stressful events a person can experience is being wrongfully terminated. The legal steps for unlawful termination can be challenging to navigate independently, as it is an [...]
It is crucial to act now if you have been recently injured at your job. There are different guidelines to meet to qualify for workers’ compensation. To ensure you receive the proper care, [...]