Social Security Disability Law FAQs

 In Social Security Disability

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are part of the social security act of the federal government. This includes several programs that give disability benefits to disabled workers and their families. Benefits could be in the form of cash payments and medical coverage. Payments depend on the disabled person’s financial situation and whether they qualify under the regulations of the Social Security Administration.

What’s the Difference between SSI & SSDI?

SSDI, also known as SSD, only pays benefits to workers who have been paying Social Security taxes. This makes it an insurance program. On the other hand, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is available to persons who have never paid into the system.

Who is Eligible for SSDI Benefits?

For you to qualify for SSDI benefits, you should be totally disabled. This implies that your illness or injury prevents you from engaging in any “substantially gainful activity” and has already lasted or is expected to last for not less than 12 months. Injuries leading to death are also included in this. Beneficiaries of SSDI should have earned wages and paid the Social Security system.

Will I get SSD Benefits if I Engage in Some Form of Work?

You can do limited work for pay and still get SSD benefits. However, you’ll not be considered as disabled if you earn more than the defined maximum income. To qualify for SSDI, you need to earn less than $1170 monthly. For blind persons, the limit is $1950. For you to be eligible for SSI, you must make no more than $735 a month.

I am Still Getting Worker’s Compensation Benefits, am I Eligible for SSD?

Your worker’s compensation benefits shouldn’t affect the amount you get in SSD benefits. However, you might need to get the assistance of a lawyer who understands these programs well. If you have additional questions regarding SSDI and SSI benefits, contact Slaughter Law Firm. We will schedule a free consultation to help you understand your legal options and represent you thoroughly for maximum benefits.

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