Help With Your Last Will And Testament

 In Last Will and Testament

Are you ready to make your last will and testament? Every adult needs to have an estate plan in place. An estate plan protects your loved ones and ensures that your property is distributed according to your wishes. A last will and testament is a legal document that states what happens to your property, who will act as guardian for any minor children after your death, and who will handle the distribution of your property to your designated beneficiaries.

It is possible to write a will using a do-it-yourself kit. However, creating this essential document without the help of an experienced estate planning attorney may leave your loved ones facing unforeseen problems in the future.

How can an attorney help you with your last will and testament?

An attorney makes sure your last will and testament meet all of the legal requirements.

The formal requirements for a will vary from one state to another. The law regarding wills in Tennessee may have specific requirements regarding witnesses or signatures or other rules which must be followed for your will to be valid. If your will is considered invalid, your property may have to pass per Tennessee law, not necessarily according to your wishes.

An attorney knows how to state your intentions.

Stating your wishes with absolute clarity is not always easy. If you are unsure about what you want to do, your attorney can discuss the alternatives with you. Your will is an important document, so you do not want there to be any confusion or misunderstandings after your death. Your attorney can make sure that your intentions are expressed clearly and correctly.

An attorney can help you with your property.

Making a will often requires more than writing a few things down. Your finances may not be straightforward. Your attorney can help you determine what you own so that your estate passes to your beneficiaries without any difficulties. This may be especially important if you own a business.

An attorney can create a backup plan in case your plans fall through.

Attorneys are skilled at anticipating future needs and creating good alternatives. What if the person you want to receive your property dies before you do? Who would you choose as an alternative guardian for your children?

If you are ready to make your will, don’t go it alone. The experienced attorneys at the Slaughter Law Firm are here to answer all your questions.