Understanding Domestic Violence in Tennessee

 In Domestic Law

Domestic violence is defined as violent or aggressive behavior perpetrated by a partner or immediate family member in the home setting. In Tennessee, as many as 40% of women and 32.5% of men have experienced some type of domestic violence in their lifetime. While there is no excuse for this appalling number, men and women are powerless to stop their abusers for a number of reasons.


Many times, victims of domestic violence want to leave their abusers but they are afraid that they may be in even more danger when they choose to leave. Their fears are correct in that many domestic violence victims that have chosen to leave later become victims of stalking when their abusers insist on not letting them out of their lives. With Slaughter Law Firm on your side there is no reason to fear.  We can help you file and obtain a restraining order as well as represent you in any court proceedings where you may need to deal with your abuser.


Individuals who are victims of domestic violence may choose to stay with their partners because they do not want to risk losing their children. They may make less money or have less resources than their abusive partner and this may cause them to think that their partners will receive custody. They may also worry that they will have to confront their partners due to visitation plans. Slaughter Law Firm can help you fight for custody of your children and develop a parenting plan that limits the amount of contact that you must have with your abuser.

Lack of Knowledge

Victims of domestic violence may not be aware of their rights and services that they can receive as victims. They may be entitled to monetary retribution due to injuries, for example. Slaughter Law Firm can evaluate your individual case and identify the resources that are right for your unique situation.

Domestic violence is a scary situation and it leaves its victims feeling powerless and alone. Slaughter Law Firm is here to help you feel like you have someone on your side. If you feel that you are a victim of domestic violence, contact us today and see how we can help you get your life back.