Considering Divorce? Here’s What To Do

 In Divorce Law

No one goes into a marriage with the intention to divorce later down the line. Unfortunately, it happens more often than not nowadays. According to the American Psychological Association, 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States end up divorcing. If you fall into that 50 percent of those divorcing, there are certain steps to follow during the process. Here’s what to do.

Discuss and Decide

One spouse typically decides when it’s time to file for divorce, but it is possible for the couple to decide together. Once it is decided to pursue the divorce option, you need to begin the paperwork. The best thing to do after deciding is to look for a lawyer. An attorney will be necessary and extremely helpful for the following steps.


The next step is filling out the paperwork, also known as a petition. Before anything can happen, the petition will be sent to the other spouse. The petition simply lets the other spouse know what is going on and that the process of divorce has started. Your spouse has around 20 days to respond to your petition. As stated before, this is a good time to find an attorney.


Mediation may be asked of the couple depending on the state they are divorcing in. The purpose of mediation is to try to figure the details out without having to go to court. You, your lawyer, your spouse, and their lawyer will all meet to go over all the details. If you have been in an abusive or unhealthy relationship, most of the time courts will not require you to go through mediation, and you will go to court.


Either during mediation or in court, your assets acquired while married, are discussed. The most common topics include:

  • Property
  • Personal Property
  • Financial Assets
  • Business Assets
  • Custody

If assets cannot be properly distributed during mediation, the couple can go to trial. Your attorney will help you prepare for this process, which again stresses the importance of having one.

If you would like to learn more about the divorce process, check out Slaughter Law Firm. If you are in the Bristol area, Frankie Slaughter Jr. can help with all your legal needs! We not only help with divorce, but other legal areas as well. To learn more about our legal services, go to our website here. You can also call us at (423) 844-0560 to schedule an appointment with our lawyer today!