Busted is a mugshot website and newspaper that prints the most recent arrests in any given city. They have become a popular form of entertainment, information, and public shaming. They are [...]
When a potential felon is charged with a crime, there is nothing better than hearing “case dismissed.” It is the best-case scenario for a defendant. According to the United States [...]
A plea bargain, or plea deal, is a mutual agreement, or compromise, between a prosecutor and a defendant, whereby the defendant pleads guilty to certain charges in exchange for an elimination of [...]
I have been subpoenaed, what do I do now? Receiving a subpoena is generally nothing to fear, but it should be taken seriously. It simply means you have information that is relevant to a court [...]
Who should I call when I am in trouble? Is there an attorney near me? You may find yourself in a situation such as a minor traffic accident, or maybe you are arrested. A great tip is to have a [...]
Workplace injuries are common and occur when you least expect them. Various types of accidents could lead to injuries. You can sustain an injury from a slip and fall, impact from falling objects, [...]
The justice system is complicated and can be challenging to navigate on your own. So, how do you pick a good lawyer? If you are facing a legal problem as a defendant or plaintiff, it is best to [...]
Criminal charges are formal allegations made by government officials such as a public prosecutor or the police that someone has committed a crime. A charging document, which includes one or more [...]
Workers’ compensation refers to a system of payment that allows employees who are injured while performing their work duties to be paid for their lost salaries, occupational expenses, and [...]
Malpractice Medical malpractice occurs when a medical practitioner fails at their medical duties to patients, resulting in injury. Rules on actions against malpractice and qualification vary [...]